Open Russia launches international #ENOUGH campaign

April 13, 2017

This year is Vladimir Putin’s 17th year in power.  Over the course of nearly two decades civil liberties in Russia have been rapidly withdrawn and the economy is in a state of stagnation due to epidemic corruption.  #ENOUGH is enough.  Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s Open Russia movement has launched the nationwide protest campaign #НАДОЕЛО – a term meaning “enough” or “fed up” in Russian – in order to highlight issues caused by the Kremlin’s policies both inside and outside the country.

“Russian society has had enough of Putin and his political system. Endemic corruption, military adventures, total domination of propganda while the Russian people are being deprived of fundamental human rights – this is Putin’s Russia today. Open Russia has launched the #ENOUGH campaign to show those in power and the rest of the world that we Russians are fed up with being outcasts. We will be grateful if our friends abroad support the campaign.”

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

We are calling for supporters around the world to join the #ENOUGH campaign and show their solidarity with the Russian people who are standing up against the Kremlin’s repressive behaviour and demanding change in their corrupt political system.

You can join the movement by creating an #ENOUGH avatar on the website.  Simply choose a picture that symbolises your discontent with the Putin regime, add a label and share it with your friends, colleagues and family through social media.